The following story is from a past attendee and her anonymity is guaranteed (as would yours, were you to decide to work with me). Any photos associated with this testimonial, although photographed by me, they are not of the Attendee speaking to you below. In order to keep everything confidential, she was asked 6 questions. These answers form her testimonial.



What was the biggest hesitation you had before you worked with me?

The financial commitment was my largest deterrent in the beginning. It felt like a lot of commitment to spend on something that could never work because no other person could suddenly make me beautiful. Whether they had a day or a year. You don’t just become a bombshell.

Of course you proved me wrong Zaki, but that was how I felt before our phone call. How could this crazy woman with such amazing results with other already generically pretty people, turn me around? Without surgery, or a body transplant! I even wondered if it was just a scheme to get money off of people! Such was my paranoia up to the point of our call. Lol, as you know, I booked my spot right on the phone with you. When I realised what you were truly doing, the price is way too much of a bargain for me to hesitate.

The potential of you fixing my body hatred that has plagued me, and all my life’s decisions, since childhood was too much of an opportunity to let pass.

This felt different. It didn’t feel like a yoga circle of happy platitudes. This felt real, and it was.

What happened after your stay?

After my stay was amazing. During my stay I must have cried the most anyone has ever seen. I was crying everywhere. With every release, with every opening and freeing of an old pain, I cried! But not from pain, I was crying from pure relief and bliss! I am so so grateful.

I know this is stupid, but even how on the trip back someone actually checked me out – in my frumpy airplane clothes that I brought because I didn’t know any better – scratch that, I bought frumpy airplane clothes because I didn’t think I was good looking enough to deserve to look good in a plane and who would look at me anyway. All of that happened in my mind without me discussing it. Those were the silent decisions that I made for and about myself.

I’m different now.

What did you enjoy most about The Experience?

I enjoyed the pampering and the feeling of hot sand on my body. I am forever changed by the releasing ritual and I love going through my book to remember whenever I’m feeling a bit watery.

What was an unexpected / expected upside you experienced after The Experience?

I lost weight! I lost 23.4 pounds thank you very much. And I wasn’t trying to lose it, which is the more amazing part to me. I walked away from a lot of weight that I had been carrying, so it made sense that the scale reflected that.

And another upside is that I actually flirt now! I was always too afraid to but I am so much more sure in myself and in my body now, that it just happens. And they flirt back!!

Would you recommend this to your Bestie?

Definitely! I have showed him my little black book of secrets and he’s still in awe of what I did and what I looked like. I think if you didn’t give me that book at the end of it all, no one would’ve believed that my transformation all took place on a normal weekend at the beach. For them it was just a regular day. To me, that weekend changed my life.

Anything else you want to say?

I’m so happy that you’re no longer on maternity leave! There are so many people who need this. I was awakened to my sensuality and power, and my life will never be the same again!